Contact Us

There are lots of ways to get answers to your healthcare questions and information about Mount Carmel Medical Group. Just click either Physicians or Locations below to get the address and phone number of the doctor or practice you are trying to reach.
Services and Feedback
We greatly value your feedback. If the service you received from any Mount Carmel Medical Group facility or employee exceeded -- or failed -- to meet your expectations, please complete our patient feedback form.
Website Feedback
If you have a question or comment about our website, please contact the Mount Carmel webmaster by filling out this website feedback form.
Billing Questions
If you have a question or concern about your bill, please contact the Mount Carmel Medical Group billing department at 614-546-4400 or 800-234-0015 or log into your patient portal to view your payment history, statements or send the billing team a secure message.
If you'd like to pay your bill online and your date of service is before August 4, 2015, click here: