
When it comes to visiting your physician, Mount Carmel Medical Group tries to keep things convenient and simple. That means making your experience pleasant and saving you time. That's why we offer a few forms that you can download online.
New Patient Forms
Medical Records
Mount Carmel Medical Group has processes and procedures to ensure timely release of medical records for care received at our hospitals and other medical facilities.
How can I obtain a copy of my medical record?
Mount Carmel Medical Group has two forms available for medical record release.
Patient Directed Access Request Form
You may download the “Request For Patient Directed Access To Protected Health Information (PHI)” Form to request on-site access to your records, to obtain a copy of your records via US Postal mail or secure/unsecure email, or to direct Mount Carmel Medical Group to send your records to a third party.
Authorization Form
The authorization form may be required when a patient or his/her representative is authorizing disclosure to another person/entity. You may download the “Authorization for Use & Disclosure” Form.
Mount Carmel Medical Group will accept an outside authorization form as long as it meets all legal requirements for a valid authorization.
To avoid delays, please make sure the form submitted is completed and signed and dated by the patient or patient’s representative.
If you have questions, please contact your Mount Carmel Medical Group office directly.
How soon can I expect the medical records request to be completed?
Your request for medical records will be processed within 30 calendar days from receiving the completed request unless we notify you that the request cannot be processed within that time frame, the reason for the delay, and the date by which we will complete action on the request.
Where do you send the medical record request form for access or authorization form?
Patient Directed Access and Authorization Forms may be submitted in-person, by email, or mailed directly to your Mount Carmel Medical Group office.
Email requests to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.